kawazaki z100
fat type
hand lendlebar has volume concentrated
at center
line formed by the compact front cowl and
flared tank slopes tho the front
creating dynamic movoment
sharply slpoped front cowl made possible by
compact line-beam handlamp .slim
repositioned instrument panel and
repositioned key slinder
cool air intake ducts add volume at the front of
the bike
fronk guards add folume at the front
af the bikr
flared tank is tapared at the rear.minimising
rearward volume
slim new rear sub-frame enable
is the side covers to be elimited
slim flame design contributes to riding
position while minimising
reword volume
shorter slincer move volume forward
shrounds whit integred turn signal add
volume ad the centre at the bike
under -clowl add volume low and at the front
of the bike